How to Get Mobile Internet in Sweden for Travelers: What Option to Choose?

To be able to maintain the internet while traveling, it is understandable that the keyword mobile internet in Sweden is of interest to many people. Below is the necessary information for you.

Mobile internet in Sweden

Understanding the importance of the internet for tourists, Gigago provides tourists with information about mobile internet in Sweden. Here is specific information about the average access speed of carriers in Sweden, coverage areas and suitable data packages. All will be shown below.

I. Mobile Internet in Sweden – Coverage and Speed

Whether mobile internet in Sweden is good or not is shown through two main data: coverage area and average access speed. Below is information about these two things:

1. Sweden Mobile Internet Coverage

In general, internet coverage is widespread throughout Sweden but there are differences between network operators, specifically as follows:

  • Telenor coverage

Telenor’s 4G network widely covers city areas and large, densely populated roads. In addition, Telenor’s 5G network has also developed strongly in recent years, especially in the Stockholm area along the Uppsala line, the Gothenburg area,… Besides, some areas above have not had network coverage.

Telenor coverage in Sweden
Telenor coverage in Sweden
  • Telia coverage

Telia has the widest coverage of both 4G and 5G nationwide, reaching up to about 99% of Sweden’s population. There are only a few areas that are not yet covered by 5G networks such as Norrbotten County, Euovuopio, Krokvik,…

Telia coverage in Sweden
Telia coverage in Sweden
  • Tele2 coverage

Tele2’s 4G network covers most areas of Sweden from North to South and some places have 4G+. In 2021, this network operator’s 5G network has just begun to be invested in and used but has developed continuously, focusing on coverage in large cities and densely populated urban areas.

Tele2 coverage in Sweden
Tele2 coverage in Sweden
  • Tre (Hi3G) coverage

Tre’s coverage area is no less than any other network, covering more than 90% of the area but not uniform. 4G networks are more widely distributed and 4G+ networks are indispensable. However, this carrier’s 5G network only covers a few large cities such as Stockholm, Gothenburg,…

Tre coverage in Sweden
Tre coverage in Sweden

2. Sweden Mobile Internet Speed

The average access speeds of network operators in Sweden are as follows:

Network operatorAverage access speed
Telenor300 Mbps
Telia1 Gbps
Tele21 Gbps
Tre100 Mbps

Through the table above, it can be seen that the network operators with the best average access speed are Telia and Tele2 when reaching 1 Gbps. Therefore, these two networks can be one of the good options for you when coming to Sweden to ensure the best internet for your trip.

Average access speed in Sweden
Average access speed in Sweden

II. What are Connectivity Options for Tourists to Sweden?

Mobile internet in Sweden comes in many different forms, which gives visitors more options and is not required in any particular way. Those ways are SIM cards Sweden, eSIM Sweden, roaming with Sweden operators, public wifi, pocket WiFi. The advantages and disadvantages of each form are as follows:

SIM cards SwedenThis is the traditional method chosen by many people in the form of prepayment or postpayment
The speed of local SIM cards remains more stable than other forms
Many options for data packages according to usage needs
Can be purchased anywhere from physical stores to franchise stores across the country
A slot on the phone is required for installationIf you do not buy online, you need to present your passport to confirm your identity
Sweden eSIMSave space for your phone when there is no need to install a physical SIM card
Can switch online between phone devices
Access may not be as stable as a physical SIM card
Only information phones support the eSIM feature
Buying directly often still requires personal documents to be provided
Data roaming with operator in SwedenContinue to use familiar phone numbers without changing, ensuring stable communication anytime, anywhere
Conveniently receive OTP messages from banks, allowing you to perform safe financial transactions without worrying about interruption, no matter where you are in the world.
The cost can be high, which is one of the biggest disadvantages of Roaming. Especially mobile data and international calls can be expensive if not controlled carefully.Unforeseen price fluctuations are also a problem, as Roaming prices can vary depending on the country and carrier, making it difficult to estimate costs before use.
Pocket wifiThe way to use the wifi transmitter is simple, in just a few steps customers can connect to wifi, without having to disassemble the phone to put in a sim card or register to use 4G with complicated syntax.The device is designed to be compact, light, easy to hold in the palm of the hand, to meet the travel needs of customers traveling abroad, and can be carried in a bag.It doesn’t make economic sense if you only travel/work abroad alone or with 2 people using a 4G SIM card.You can only connect to wifi at a stable speed within a radius of 10m, beyond the allowed radius, the wifi speed will weaken and lose connection the farther you go.
Public wifiSave battery, save costsMost places have public wifiPoor access
Personal information can be stolen
Having your information eavesdropped by a third party

Through evaluation, buying a SIM card is still the optimal solution you should choose thanks to its convenience and connectivity. However, if you have a device that supports the eSIM feature, don’t hesitate to try it because you will be surprised with the benefits you may not have thought of.

III. Internet Rates in Sweden

For more detailed information, the following are reference costs for each form of mobile internet in Sweden:

OptionInternet rates
Sweden SIM cards100 SEK ($9.6 USD) and 250 SEK ($24 USD) exclusively for tourists with various included services
eSIM Swedenfrom 18.8 SEK ($3.5 USD) to 1378.46 SEK ($125.98 USD)
Roaming with Telia19 SEK ($1.74 USD) for 100 MB data
Roaming with Tele20.19 SEK ($0.02 USD) per MB data
Roaming with Telenor99 SEK ($9.08 USD)/1 GB data
Roaming with Tre (Hi3G)98.14 SEK ($9 USD) for 1 GB data
Pocket wifiabout 87.53 SEK ($8 USD) per day
Public wifiFree

Through the table above, it can be seen that SIM and eSIM cards are the two most convenient and cost-stable options. Especially with SIM and eSIM cards of Telenor and Telia networks.

Internet options in Sweden
Internet options in Sweden

IV. Data SIM Card for Mobile Internet in Sweden

To stay connected in Sweden and still be able to communicate with family via the internet, here are some popular data plans to choose from:

  • Telia:
  • 59 SEK ($5.49 USD) = 1 GB data + unlimited call (valid 7 days)
  • 109 SEK ($9.96 USD) = 1 GB data + 70 calls (valid 30 days)
  • 199 SEK ($18/19 USD) = 3 GB data + unlimited call (valid 30 days)
  • Tele2:
  • 45 SEK ($4.11 USD) = 500 MB data (valid 7 days)
  • 145 SEK ($13.25 USD) = 5 GB data (valid 30 days)
  • 295 SEK ($26.96 USD) = 40 GB data + 500 minutes of international calls
  • Telenor:
  • 100 SEK ($9.6 USD) = 1 GB data + unlimited call +  unlimited message (valid 31 days)
  • 250 SEK ($24 USD) = 10 GB data + unlimited call +  unlimited message (valid 31 days).
  • Tre (Hi3G):
  • 199 SEK ($19 USD) = 5 GB data + unlimited call +  unlimited message (valid 30 days)
  • 299 SEK ($29 USD) = 20 GB data + unlimited call +  unlimited message (valid 30 days)
  • 399 SEK ($38 USD) = unlimited data + unlimited call +  unlimited message (valid 30 days)

Note: The costs of the above options may change over time and are not fixed, you should check information with the supplier before deciding.

SIM cards in Sweden come with a wide range of data plans
SIM cards in Sweden come with a wide range of data plans

V. Data eSIM for Sweden – Best Option to Get Mobile Internet for Tourists

The most outstanding advantage of eSIM over a physical SIM card is the convenience in terms of space and time. You can completely buy and use eSIM without needing any installation or removal from the phone device. Here are 2 ways you can buy a Sweden eSIM:

1. Buy eSIM from Sweden Operators

Certainly, it is impossible not to mention a familiar way to buy eSIM which is to buy directly at the network operator’s store. However, For this method, you also need to prepare documents such as buying a physical SIM card such as a passport and ID card. In addition, you need to check if the phone supports the eSIM feature.

CriteriaTre (Hi3G)Tele2TelenorTelia
DataFrom 1 GB data to 100 GB dataFrom 1 GB data to 100 GB dataFrom 1 GB data to 100 GB data1 GB data to 100 GB data
CostFrom just 99 SEK ($9.05 USD)Affordable prices, from only 59 SEK ($5.39 USD)From just 49 SEK ($4.48 USD)Starting from 69 SEK ($6.31 USD)
Network coverageCoverage throughout SwedenCoverage throughout SwedenStrong coverage nationwideGood coverage
ValidOptions from 3 days to 30 days depending on needsFrom 3 days to 30 days depending on needs3 days to 30 daysFrom 3 days to 30 days depending on needs

2. Buy eSIM from Gigago

Buying eSIM at Gigago is the best way to save you time. It doesn’t take much time and can help you avoid worrying about information being leaked when you don’t need to provide a passport or any other documents. Furthermore, you also have a lot of options as Gigago has eSIM from all major Swedish carriers.

Gigago's Sweden eSIM is diverse
Gigago’s Sweden eSIM is diverse

To buy eSIM online through Gigago’s website, here are instructions:

  • Determine trip time
  • Visit Gigago’s website
  • Go to “Buy eSIM”
  • Select country as Sweden
  • Choose an eSIM package according to your needs (cost + number of days)
  • Make payments
  • Wait to receive email
  • Scan QR code or import activation code manually
  • Turn on data roaming on phone


Is the internet in Sweden really growing?

The Internet in Sweden is strongly developed and has wide coverage, proof of that is the many network operators such as Telia, Telenor, Tele2, Tre,…

Which network operator in Sweden has the best access speed?

Telia and Tele2 are the two network operators with the highest average access speed in Sweden with 1 Gbps.

Where can I buy eSIM Sweden?

You can buy a Swiss eSIM directly at the carrier providing that eSIM or buy it online at Gigago (or any other eSIM provider you consider reputable).

VII. Conclusion

Above is all the information about mobile internet in Sweden, hopefully it really helps you better understand the internet situation in this country. At the same time, if you need an alternative to a physical SIM card when traveling, don’t forget the eSIM offers that Gigago is waiting for you to discover.